Prepare your comments

What you can and cannot comment on or object to and how to prepare your comments.

Anyone can support or object to planning applications. You can:

  • support it
  • give us your views on it
  • object to it

Grounds for commenting

We can only consider comments that relate to local and national planning policy. This includes:

  • traffic, access or parking affecting a public road
  • the design not being in keeping with the area
  • harm to trees
  • significant loss of light
  • ongoing noise after construction
  • new windows or spaces that overlook your home or garden
  • the effect on the setting of a listed building or the character and appearance of a conservation area

To find out more about the character of your area and the kinds of developments encouraged, see our planning policies.

What we cannot consider

We cannot consider comments on non-planning matters, such as:

  • the effect on property values
  • disputes with neighbours
  • loss of a view
  • commercial or business competition

Before you leave an objection, check if it goes against planning policy.