Vacant and derelict land

Our register of land that is either vacant or derelict, our Vacant and Derelict Land Property Strategy, how to report vacant or derelict land.

Vacant and derelict land

Vacant and derelict land and property can blight communities, harm wellbeing and limit opportunities. We are tackling tackling vacant and derelict sites and prioritising brownfield land through:

Bringing these sites back into productive use could help us:

  • tackle climate change
  • improve health and wellbeing
  • create more resilient communities
  • rebuild our economy

Planning policies and identifying sites for development 

The redevelopment of vacant and derelict land and property is supported by:

We encourage the following actions when identifying sites for development:

  • encourage, promote and use brownfield, vacant and derelict land and empty buildings, and help reduce the need for greenfield development
  • where possible, avoid the use of prime quality agricultural land
  • support in principle the redevelopment of brownfield sites

Go to conservation and regeneration documents to download:

  • Vacant and Derelict Land and Property Strategy
  • How to report vacant or derelict land form 

View a map showing the vacant and derelict land register

Smaller sites

Sites must be over 0.1 hectare in size to be included on the register. There are also many smaller sites that can cause problems for communities. 

We collect information on these sites and are putting in place a strategy. This will ensure smaller sites highlighted by local communities can also receive the support required to be brought back into meaningful use.

Empty properties

Privately owned homes that are empty for 6 months or more are a waste and could be used to help meet housing need. They can also cause problems for nearby residents and the wider community. We work to bring such properties back into use:

For further information and advice:
