Listed buildings

There are over 3,400 local buildings that have listed status and are protected from development due to their historical or architectural interest.

There are over 3,400 buildings, objects and structures across Dumfries and Galloway that are listed. This is because they are considered to have special historical or architectural interest.

The aim of listing a building is to give it statutory protection from changes that will affect its special character. The term 'building' can include other man-made structures, such as:

  • memorials
  • fountains
  • sundials
  • statues
  • bridges

Search for a listed building on our planning constraints map

You must have listed building consent (and maybe planning permission too) before altering, extending or demolishing any part of a listed building inside or out.

Apply for listed building consent on the eDevelopment Scotland website

The historic built environment

We have written guidance for working with listed buildings, in line with policy HE1 of the Local Development Plan. 


Windows and doors in listed buildings

Specific information is required when seeking permission for works to windows and doors in listed buildings. To view our technical note on windows and doors, go to planning application documents.

Propose a building for listing

You can also propose a building for listing or ask for a review of a listing.

Propose a building for listing on Historic Environment Scotland

Listed building categories

Listed buildings fall into 3 categories:

  • category A – a building of national or international importance, or with little alteration in a particular style
  • category B – a building of regional importance or historically important with some alteration
  • category C – a building of local importance or with lesser examples of a particular style