Isle of Whithorn Harbour

Isle of Whithorn Harbour, at the south east tip of the Machars peninsula, is a busy commercial fishing harbour. It has regular pleasure craft moorings and is the location of Wigtown Bay Sailing Club.

Isle of Whithorn Harbour is at south-eastern end of the Machars peninsula. It is supervised by a part time harbour master. There is no active management of vessel movements.

Boats in Isle of Whithorn Harbour

Isle of Whithorn facilities

Isle of Whithorn facilities include a:

  • shop
  • post office
  • hotel
  • bowling green

Fuel is not available.

Harbour documents

Our harbour documents section has:

  • a berths and moorings application form
  • our harbours directory
  • harbour fees and charges
  • harbour electricity supply charges

Go to harbour documents

Pay for a visitor berth booking

If you have applied for a berth, you can pay for it online.

Pay for a visitor berth booking

Report an incident

An incident is any event that causes harm, damage or environmental contamination to a person, vessel or object within the waters of a statutory harbour area or its approaches.

Near misses are events that had the potential to cause an incident. Near misses should also be reported.

Report an incident

Nautical information

Nautical information for Isle of Whithorn Harbour includes:

  • latitude at 54º 41' 54"
  • longitude at 04º 21' 48" W
  • admiralty charts: 1411, 1121, 1826, and 2094
  • Imray: C62 


Tidal range and depth

Isle of Whithorn Harbour has the following tidal range and depths:

  • springs – 6.2 metres maximum
  • neaps – 3.3 metres maximum

The harbour is exposed to the south and southerly gales drive a swell into the beach north of the pier. 

There can be significant currents in the approach depending upon the tide in the Solway Firth.

Harbour empowerment order

We hold an empowerment order for Isle of Whithorn Harbour. This order allows us to legally improve, maintain and manage the harbour.

Go to the Dumfries and Galloway Council (Isle of Whithorn) Empowerment Order 2008 on


Isle of Whithorn Harbour
Harbour Row
Isle of Whithorn
United Kingdom

Opening times

Venue opening times

The harbour master is available weekdays, 8.30am to 4pm.


Isle of Whithorn Harbour Master