Local Place Plans

Local Place Plans focus on how local land is used and developed and can help you and your local community have a say in planning policy and decisions.

Grant scheme for Local Place Plans

The grant scheme for Local Place Plans provides grant funding to community led organisations who are in the process of developing a Local Place Plan. The grant is for up to £2,000, funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

How the funding can be used

Funding must be used towards activities which support community-led Local Place Plan development, for example costs for:

  • community consultation and engagement
  • facilitation
  • design and printing


To be eligible, we must have received your expression of interest form.

We welcome applications from local not-for-profit groups. Your group must have:

  • a formal constitution
  • a clear governance and financial structure
  • your own bank account

How to apply

You can download an application and guidance notes from our Local Place Plan documents


You will also need to provide images or digital copies of your:

  • constitution or memorandum and articles of association 
  • recent bank statement(s) covering a period of 3 months 
  • most recent annual accounts 
  • organisational policies where relevant, for example equal opportunities, health and safety, child protection

What happens next

We aim to process your application within 15 working days of receiving all the information required to make a decision. This includes the valid supporting evidence.  

We will email you to confirm when your application has been approved. The grant payment will be transferred to your nominated account within 10 working days.  

Copies of receipts

There is a requirement to attend regular monitoring visits with the Local Place Team. They will check the progress of the project. As part of the audit requirements of the fund you will need to provide copies of invoices and receipts and proof of payment such as bank statements showing the payment leaving your bank account. 

If you have any questions please contact us:

Email: LPPfund@dumgal.gov.uk