Financial and grant support for homeowners
We can offer advice and sometimes financial support to you if you are a homeowner.
Homes that are below the Tolerable Standard
The Tolerable Standard is a national basic level of repair that your property must meet to make it fit for a person to live in. Find out more about the Tolerable Standard – Shelter Scotland.
We can provide advice and assistance if you own your home or are a private landlord and it falls below the Tolerable Standard.
Below Tolerable Standards grants
In most circumstances, a 50% grant will be awarded to eligible properties with maximum award of £5,000. If you receive Council Tax Reduction you may be entitled to further help.
Below Tolerable Standard grants
If works have started or have been completed, you will not be eligible for a grant.
Request a Tolerable Standards assessment
Telephone: 030 33 33 3000
We may then visit the property to assess whether or not it falls below the Tolerable Standard.
Grants for lead pipe replacement
If you believe there is lead present in your mains water supply, call Scottish Water:
Telephone: 0800 0778 778
They can take a sample of water from your property to test and will inform you of the results.
To find out more go to private water supplies.