
Find out about current and planned roadworks and road closures.

Roads across Scotland

Scottish road works online has information about roadworks across Scotland.

Local roads

Local planned road closures and roadworks are listed on TellmeScotland, where you can also register for updates about planned roadworks. We also put information about these in local newspapers.

Major A roads and motorways

We are not responsible for major A roads and motorways, also known as trunk roads.

Find out more about who manages these roads in the region:

  • A75, A76, A701 (from A75 to A74(M) only), A77 (Stranraer North) and A751: Amey South-West Unit, call 0800 042 0188
  • A7: contact Bear Scotland, or call 01738 448 600
  • M74: Autolink, call 08457 966 666

Traffic Scotland has more information on Scotland's trunk roads network.

Road maintenance updates

Our roads maintenance capital works programme lists the work we plan to carry out each financial year. It includes:

  • carriageway resurfacing
  • surface dressing
  • footway works
  • drainage and other works

Download a full list of our annual roads maintenance work [PDF, 268KB]

You can sign up for weekly updates about our planned road maintenance.