Berths and moorings terms and conditions

Published: 1 May 2024

Boat owners are responsible for the overall welfare of their vessel.

Boat owners should satisfy themselves as to the suitability and safety of the ground conditions at their mooring location.

Boat owners are required to provide suitable riser chains, mooring lines and marker buoys. 

Maintenance of riser chains and mooring buoy(s) is the responsibility of the boat owner. 

Risers should be shackled to the main ground chain or independent mooring block, it is not permitted to shackle on to an adjacent mooring.

It is strongly recommended that owners reduce windage on their vessel if staying afloat over winter. This should include removing all sails, boom covers, dodgers and sprayhoods. Owners should also ensure that they use oversized fenders and suitable doubled up mooring lines to reduce the risk of damage to their vessel or the pontoons.

In event of a break out or other incident the Harbour Master may charge to recover any staff time involved in making vessels safe in accordance with the Council’s published rate.

Berths or Moorings are not transferable, except with the written consent of the Harbour Master.

If a boat owner changes their boat, they must notify the Harbour Master in writing and await approval before mooring the new boat.

Berthing and Mooring charges are levied annually from 1st April each year. The charges are reviewed annually. 

There will be no reduction in charges for the berth if the berth is cancelled anytime during the year to which it applies (1st April to 31st March).

If an owner intends to give up a mooring, he must notify the Harbour Master as soon as possible, in writing.  

Boat owners are required to abide by the Harbour Empowerment Orders or Harbour Bye-laws (available on the Dumfries and Galloway Council website) applicable to each Harbour and comply with any requests or instructions issued by the Harbour Master or their representative.

Provision of a berth or mooring is on the strict agreement that a boat owner will at all times hold third party insurance to a minimum value of £3m.   

A copy of the current insurance cover should be provided to the Harbour Master with a further copy provided following renewal.

Visiting vessels operating within the harbour limits must hold third party insurance to a minimum value of £3m and provide a copy to the Harbour Master upon request.   

Any collisions or accidents, however minor should be reported immediately to the Harbour Master or their representative.

Berth holders should use a suitable tender for getting out to moorings.

It is strongly recommended that Lifejackets should be worn at all times on pontoons and when using tenders.

The Harbour Master may allocate an alternative berth and direct the berth holder to move their vessel to the alternative berth.

The Harbour Master may move any vessel to any other part of the same marina or harbour.

The Council shall not be liable for any loss, theft, or any other damage of whatever nature and howsoever caused to any vessel.

All persons using any part of the marina, harbour, moorings or facilities for whatever purpose and whether by invitation or otherwise do so at their own risk.   

Berth holders wishing to undertake commercial activities should obtain prior written agreement from the Harbour Master and before commencing business will provide:

  • Copy of Vessels Licencing
  • Copy of Skippers qualifications
  • Copy of Commercial Insurance

A berth holder may undertake routine running repairs and maintenance, however other works particularly those involving external contractors are subject to the prior consent of the Harbour Master as certain types of work e.g. Hot Works will require a specific Permit Work to be issued by the Harbour Master or their representative. 

The Harbour Master may have the use of the Berth when it is left vacant by the Owner.

Berths and moorings are allocated on an ongoing basis and are not subject to any renewal process.

The Harbour Master may cancel a berth by giving 7 days written notice to a berth holder. Any vessel on that berth should be removed within 28 days of the notice being issued.

The berth holder, their crew, agents, visitors, guests and contractors must not cause nuisance, inconvenience or annoyance to other users of the marina or harbour.

No items of boat’s gear, fittings or equipment, supplies, stores should be left unattended on the pontoons, jetties or car parks.

No refuse or noxious substances or sewage should be discharged or thrown overboard or left in the marina, harbour, premises or moorings other than in the proper receptacles provided.

No fishing is permitted within the marinas.

All vessels when entering, leaving or manoeuvring in the marina or harbour shall not be navigated at such a speed or in such manner as to endanger or inconvenience other vessels in the marina or harbour or the channels to the marina or harbour.

Craft exceeding 15 metres in length overall or 6 metres in beam shall not be permitted to enter or remain within the marina or harbour without the prior written permission of the Harbour Master.

Any owner who wishes to have overnight occupancy on board their vessel in a marina or harbour berth for a consecutive period of 16 days or in excess of 60 days in any financial year must obtain the prior consent of the Harbour Master.

Persons under 16 years of age must at all times be under the supervision of a responsible adult.

Vessel owners should provide and maintain at least one fire extinguisher which is approved and manufactured to EN3 standards for portable fire extinguishers and ensure it is fit for purpose and ready for immediate use in case of fire.

Transportation of fuel should be carried out in suitable fuel canisters or jerry cans.

Any pollution incident should be reported immediately to the Harbour Master.

The shower and toilet facilities should be left in a clean and tidy condition after use.

Damage to the shower and toilet block should be reported to the Harbour Master as soon as possible.