Landlord rules and legislation

Landlord rules and legislation, including the Repairing Standard, fire, gas and electrical safety, private residential tenancies, rules for advertising properties to let and dispute resolution.

Fire, gas and electrical safety legislation for landlords

Recent changes (since 1 March 2024) to the Repairing Standard have updated existing duties around fire, gas and electrical safety.

Repairing Standard: statutory guidance for landlords – Scottish Government

Fire safety

The existing duty to ensure fire safety in private rented houses and short term lets has been updated.

It now states that common doors must be secure and fitted with satisfactory locks. 

Electrical and gas safety

The existing duty to make sure that installations for the supply of electricity in a private rented house are in a reasonable state of repair and in proper working order has also been updated.

It now states that these must include a residual current device (a device to reduce the risk of electrocution and fire by breaking the circuit in the event of a fault). 

The existing duty to make sure that installations for the supply of gas and electricity in a private rented house and short term lets are in a reasonable state of repair and in proper working order will be extended to any other types of fuel.